Spring - Expression Language


// Spring MVC - Expression language:

Implicit objects available to Expression Language:

param: This object contains the URL parameters and post parameters as well.

Yes.  We can use these implicit objects and methods inside ${ … }

${requestScope.name} // equivalent to: <%= request.getAttribute("name")%>

What is the purpose of Expression Language?

It is a server-side templating engine.

What are implicit objects available to Expression Language?

  1. requestScope
  2. param: This object contains the URL parameters and post parameters as well.
  3. sessionScope
  4. paramValues
  5. headerValues

What are some examples of using Expression Language?


How can we get a request attribute using Expression Language?


is equivalent to:

<%= request.getAttribute("name")%>

How can we use an attribute that was passed into our JSP?

Use the expression language:


What is the syntax for using expression language?


Can we use the implict objects and methods inside the expression language?

Yes. We can use those implicit objects and methods inside ${ … }

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